PhD researcher Experimental High-Energy Heavy-Ion Physics (ALICE experiment) (1.0 fte)
Job description
The PhD candidate will work actively on the data analysis in the area of heavy-flavour production in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. The candidate will be stationed at Utrecht University and will stay for longer periods at CERN (Geneva, Switzerland).
Applicants need to have a Master's Degree or equivalent in Physics or Sciences and have a strong interest in studying fundamental properties of nature. Experience in experimental physics or high-energy/nuclear physics and programming skills in C++ are of advantage.
Terms of employment
The PhD program in the Netherlands takes up to four years. The gross salary is in the range between € 2,042.- per and maximum € 2,612.- per month.
The salary is supplemented with a holiday bonus of 8% and an end-of-year bonus of 8,3% per year. In addition we offer: a pension scheme, a partially paid parental leave, flexible employment conditions in which you may trade salary for vacation days or vice versa. Conditions are based on the Collective Employment Agreement of the Dutch Universities. The research group will provide the candidate with necessary support on all aspects of the project.
Further details
Additional information about the vacancy can be obtained from Dr. André Mischke, Phone: 0031 (0)30 253 2330, or by e-mail:
As part of the selection procedure, the candidate is expected to give an outline of his/her current research activities in an oral presentation.
How to apply
The position is immediately available. Interested candidates should provide a curriculum vitae, a brief description of his/her current research work and arrange to have two letters of recommendation sent to the Personnel Department, Department of Physics and Astronomy, P.O. Box 80010, 3508 TA Utrecht, the Netherlands or submit by e-mail to:
Please refer to vacancy number 63902.
Applications will be accepted any time up until the position is filled.
Respond before 31-12-2009
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