Wednesday, 30 July 2008

New Zealand : PhD in Theoretical Ultra-Cold Atomic Physics

Jack Dodd Centre

Department of Physics

Opportunities for research in a world class group in a unique environment

At least two opportunities exist for motivated students to undertake PhD research in the group of Dr David Hutchinson at the University of Otago in New Zealand. The projects will centre on studies of a] effects of disorder in ultra-cold atomic gases and b] relaxation of non-ergodic systems as tests of non-equilibrium statistical physics. Both studies will be strongly connected to experiments in ultra-cold Bose condensed and degenerate Fermi gases.

The Jack Dodd Centre for Photonics and Ultra-Cold Atoms is well funded and consists of seven academic staff, covering both theory and experiment, providing a stimulating working environment. The University of Otago is the oldest and highest research ranked university in New Zealand and is situated in Dunedin, in the south of the South Island, amidst stunning scenery and outdoor opportunities.

Applicants should have a very good II(i) or 1st Class four year BSc Honours or MPhys degree or higher.

Enquires and expressions of interest, together with a curriculum vitae, should be sent to Dr David Hutchinson,, by 31 August 2008. Further information regarding the Jack Dodd Centre can be found at:

Scholarship information, open to all nationalities, is available from:

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