Wednesday, 30 July 2008

The Netherlands : Association of Universities in The Netherlands Postdoc / PhD student Molecular Neurobiology

Radboud University Nijmegen Faculty of Science, Mathematics and Computing Science

Further Details

The Netherlands : PhD Student: Cutting-edge Oil/Water Separation Technology

Delft University of Technology Applied Sciences

Further Details

The Netherlands : CARIM Internal Medicine/Immunology PhD student f/m

Universiteit Maastricht Cardiovascular Research Institute Maastricht

Further Details

UK : The University of Manchester PhD Studentship

Corrosion of Turbocharger Materials

School of Materials Corrosion and Protection Centre

Click here for Employer Profile

Ireland : Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology Postgraduate Research Opportunity

Data for the sustainable management of an emerging fisheries resource

Funding Agency: Department of Education, Technological Sector Research Program, Strand I

Description: Almost half of Ireland’s commercial fish stocks face overexploitation. This presents a significant challenge to the fishing industry. As traditional commercial species such as cod decrease in abundance and their exploitation becomes less economically viable, the industry is increasingly turning to alternative species. It is imperative that the development of emerging fisheries is accompanied by the collection of sound scientific data to ensure their sustainable management.

The Atlantic saury (Scomberesox saurus) has been identified as a potential species for exploitation. Virtually nothing is known about their biology or population dynamics. Basic data on the age structure, growth rates and maturation patterns is lacking, thus impeding their sustainable management. The purpose of this project is to provide critical information for management in parallel with the development of a commercial fishery for the species. A reliable method of age-estimation will be developed. Growth and maturation parameters will be established for the population and temporal and spatial variability in these parameters will be investigated. This research will provide essential new knowledge on the life history characteristics of an emerging commercial fish species to inform its sustainable management.

Requirements/Background: Minimum & Desirable and/or Required Experience: The successful candidate will hold an honours degree (minimum 2:2) in Fisheries Science, Zoology, Marine Biology, Ecology, or related discipline. Knowledge of ageing techniques and reproductive biology of marine fish as well as good computer and analytical skills are desirable. Experience of sampling at sea and appropriate safety training would also be an advantage. Short listing will apply.

Project Start-Date: September 2008

Project Duration: 2 years

Conditions: €1,000 per month
Postgraduate fees for EU students and any travel costs incurred during the project will also be covered.

Please Note: Candidates from outside the EU are eligible to apply, but may be expected to provide evidence of sources of additional funds to cover excesses associated with Non-EU fees.

Closing Date: 22nd August

Please forward completed GMIT application form and CV by post to: Research Office, GMIT, Dublin road, Galway.

Further Information on the project and a GMIT application form may be obtained from: Dr Deirdre Brophy at
(Please note that applications forwarded by email will not be accepted)

New Zealand : PhD in Theoretical Ultra-Cold Atomic Physics

Jack Dodd Centre

Department of Physics

Opportunities for research in a world class group in a unique environment

At least two opportunities exist for motivated students to undertake PhD research in the group of Dr David Hutchinson at the University of Otago in New Zealand. The projects will centre on studies of a] effects of disorder in ultra-cold atomic gases and b] relaxation of non-ergodic systems as tests of non-equilibrium statistical physics. Both studies will be strongly connected to experiments in ultra-cold Bose condensed and degenerate Fermi gases.

The Jack Dodd Centre for Photonics and Ultra-Cold Atoms is well funded and consists of seven academic staff, covering both theory and experiment, providing a stimulating working environment. The University of Otago is the oldest and highest research ranked university in New Zealand and is situated in Dunedin, in the south of the South Island, amidst stunning scenery and outdoor opportunities.

Applicants should have a very good II(i) or 1st Class four year BSc Honours or MPhys degree or higher.

Enquires and expressions of interest, together with a curriculum vitae, should be sent to Dr David Hutchinson,, by 31 August 2008. Further information regarding the Jack Dodd Centre can be found at:

Scholarship information, open to all nationalities, is available from:

UK : University of Warwick PhD Studentship

Integrating DNA barcoding & biotyping approaches in fungal systematics, particular reference to major Fusarium pathogens

Warwick HRI

Project overview:
With an estimated 1.5 million species in the biosphere, fungi represent one of the most diverse eukaryotic lineages and exhibit huge diversity in form and function. At Warwick HRI, we have been using a combination of molecular and biological markers to characterise populations and species of major fungal pathogens. Fungal genus Fusarium is hugely important in the context of human well-being as it includes several major plant pathogens, mycotoxin producers and opportunistic human pathogens. The main aim of the current project is to develop a framework integrating DNA barcoding and biotyping methodologies applicable to major Fusarium pathogens. The project will mainly focus on developing DNA barcoding and biotyping methodologies to characterise the Fusarium species populations associated with the basal rot of onion in the UK as a model. The generic approaches will be applied to additional key examples of Fusarium oxysporum (FO) formae speciales and taxa representing major species complexes. This will be used to test the hypothesis and define species and sub-species boundaries in Fusarium.

Specific objectives:
1) To identify DNA barcoding genes and genomic regions applicable for species and sub-species level differentiation of Fusarium oxysporum complex with reference to taxa representing other major species complexes.
2) To develop a set of biotyping markers applicable for species and sub-species level differentiation of Fusarium oxysporum complex including pathogenic and saprophytic forms.
3) To carry out phylogenetic analysis of the multigene sequence data generated from the selected Fusarium species and formae speciales with reference to the biotyping-based groups and hypothesis testing of the potential of the multigene barcoding system to offer sufficient resolution at the species and sub-species levels

This studentship is available to UK, EU and International candidates. Funds are only available to cover UK/EU Tuition Fees. International candidates (outside EU) would be required to pay the difference between UK/EU Tuition Fees and International Tuition Fees.

The studentship is for 3 years starting on 29 September 2008 and will be registered at the University of Warwick. The studentship is funded by Defra.

Details of how to apply are available at You should indicate on the application form that you are applying for the studentship (there is a section for funding). Please quote reference number HRI57.

Click here for further details of the post in Microsoft Word format.
Click here for further details of the post in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF).

Please quote job vacancy reference number HRI57-078.

The closing date/time for applications is midnight (British time) at the end of Tuesday 12 August 2008.

For further details on how to apply for a post at Warwick, the employee benefits that we offer, information on Warwick people, what it is like working at Warwick, and more, please see our jobs introduction page.

The university values diversity.

UK : University of Warwick PhD Studentship

Improving the energy efficiency of biodiesel: Reducing energy input and improving sustainability

Warwick HRI

Project overview:
Nitrogen (N) is an essential nutrient for plant growth and is generally in limiting supply in the soil. For this reason the use of N fertilisers has made a major contribution to world food production. However, fertiliser production consumes enormous quantities of energy and fertiliser use is associated with pollution of water courses and conversion to potent N-containing greenhouse gases. The large acreages of the Brassica napus crop oilseed rape (OSR), grown for edible oils and biodiesel, receives more N than any other arable crop and hence is associated with a significant environmental N footprint.

The aim of this studentship is to address this issue by identifying genetic determinants for nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) and plant germplasm containing beneficial alleles that can be used for breeding varieties with improved NUE. The project will build on existing work on OSR, but instead focus on the genetically simpler diploid Brassica relatives. The student will be able to exploit the natural variation present in Brassica diversity sets (DS) developed at WHRI, together with segregating mapping populations, which are a potentially rich source of beneficial alleles for traits for sustainable production'.

The strategy will involve determining allelic variation in a set of candidate genes with key roles in N transport and assimilation. This will be complemented by the assessment of target traits in the DS and mapping populations and the association of these with candidate genes using techniques such as genetic mapping and comparative genomics. The project will provide a multidisciplinary training programme in crop trait genetics and the opportunity to carry out life cycle analysis to quantify the potential benefits provided by this work. An understanding of the genetic control of NUE in Brassica is important for sustainable crop development for the future.

This studentship is available to UK, EU and International candidates. Funds are only available to cover UK/EU Tuition Fees. International candidates (outside EU) would be required to pay the difference between UK/EU Tuition Fees and International Tuition Fees.

The studentship is for 3 years starting on 29 September 2008 and will be registered at the University of Warwick. The studentship is funded by Enerbio, a research fund sponsored by the Tuck Foundation.

Details of how to apply are available at You should indicate on the form that you are applying for the studentship (there is a section for funding). Please quote reference number HRI56.

Click here for further details of the post in Microsoft Word format.
Click here for further details of the post in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF).

Please quote job vacancy reference number HRI56-078.

The closing date/time for applications is midnight (British time) at the end of Monday 11 August 2008.

For further details on how to apply for a post at Warwick, the employee benefits that we offer, information on Warwick people, what it is like working at Warwick, and more, please see our jobs introduction page.

The university values diversity.

The Netherlands : PhD Biomass for Biofuels production options on family farms in Nampula (Mozambique)

Wageningen University and Research centre

Further Details

Tuesday, 29 July 2008

Scotland : University of Dundee p53 Research Studentship

Division of Molecular & Translational Medicine

College of Medicine, Dentistry & Nursing

Further Details

Click here for Employer Profile

UK : City University Research Studentship

School of Engineering & Mathematical Sciences

Click here for Employer Profile

Ireland : ICGEE Phd Research Opportunities

Micro- and Nano- Engineering

The International Centre for Graduate Education in Micro- and Nano- Engineering (ICGEE) is an inter-university, inter-disciplinary and international organisation providing a student-centric doctoral research and education experience with a unique international flavor and perspective.

It brings together nine Irish partners, including eight third level higher education institutions Athlone Institute of Technology (AIT), Cork Institute of Technology (CIT), Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT), National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG), Trinity College Dublin (TCD), University College Cork (UCC), University College Dublin (UCD), University of Limerick (UL), one professional engineering accreditation body, Engineers Ireland, along with five international partners: Chalmers University of Technology (CTH), Sweden, Fudan University, Shanghai, China, Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG), France, Northwestern University, IL, USA, and University of Edinburgh, UK.
The ICGEE offers: a global curriculum with a wide spectrum of specialist academic courses from leading experts in Europe, the US and Asia; world-class research opportunities, and the opportunity to build an international peer network amongst the next generation of internationally focused global engineering leaders.


An ICGEE scholarship of €24,000 per year over 4 years will be offered to all successful applicants to include a stipend (€16,000), travel and the equivalent of an EU Higher Education Institution (HEI) fee.


An application may be submitted to any of the Irish partner HEI's within the ICGEE. Institutional affiliation is compulsory for admission to the ICGEE programme and the ICGEE admissions process will run in parallel with that of the selected host institute. The PhD research must fit within the ICGEE key research areas: Micro- & Nano-Engineering Design and Materials & Manufacturing. Potential candidates should have a first class primary degree or a Masters level education. For students whose first language is not English, an IELTS score of minimum 6.0 is required. Your application dossier must contain the following documentation:

i) A signed ICGEE cover sheet
ii) Copy of Host University application form
iii) A Personal Statement describing yourself, your scientific interests and why you want to join the ICGEE programme (max 1 page)

Your application package should be scanned and emailed to


Only applications received before 1 September 2008 will be considered.


Detailed information on the ICGEE and its programmes can be found on

For any additional queries, please contact:

Patricia Hegarty, ICGEE Administrator, Department of Microelectronic Engineering, University College Cork, Ireland; + 353 21 490 4575.

Ireland : National University of Ireland Ph.D/M.Eng.Sc Scholarship

In the area of Geospatial Applications of Wireless Sensors

Institute of Microelectronics and Wireless Systems

Further Details

Sunday, 27 July 2008

Ireland : University College Dublin Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Development of Microbial Source Tracking Techniques

School of Biomolecular and Biomedical Science

Further Details

Click here for Employer Profile

Thursday, 24 July 2008

UK : University of Plymouth PhD Studentship on Human-Robot Interaction

Centre for Interactive Intelligent Systems (CIIS)

School of Computing, Communication and Electronics


The University of Plymouth invites applications for a PhD Studentship on human-robot interaction to allow robots to learn concepts and language through human-robot tutelage. This research is part of the new EPSRC funded CONCEPT project (Linguistic and direct transmission of concepts in robot-human networks, more on

You will focus on robot-human interaction, and will be tasked with setting up a robotic experiment, implementing interface software, studying and implementing visual processing for object recognition in space and time, studying and implementing the human-robot interaction for learning through linguistic interaction and running the experiments on the robotic setup. Your work will lead to a doctoral degree on human-robot interaction for social and linguistic learning.

You will join a strong international research team studying cognitive aspect of robots, see for example

You should have a strong interdisciplinary interest in cognitive science, artificial intelligence and robotics and should have, or expect to obtain, a high grade Bachelors or Masters Degree in Computer Science and/or Robotics or a related field. You must have good programming skills and a strong motivation for research.

Full-time Home/EU tuition fees will be paid for the duration of the 3 year studentship. Overseas applicants are welcome to apply but should be aware that, if successful, they must be able to cover the difference between Home/EU and Overseas fees (approximately £6550) for the duration of the studentship.

The stipend for the studentship is at the standard EPSRC rate, which is currently £12940 (note that the stipend is not subject to UK income tax). Funding commences on 1 October 2008.

Informal enquiries regarding the project can be made to Dr Tony Belpaeme by email or call 01752 586212.

To apply for this studentship please download an application form from Please return your application form with copies of your qualifications and transcripts, two academic references, English language qualification (if appropriate), a covering letter and CV to:

Mrs C Watson, Research Administrator
Faculty of Technology
University of Plymouth
Drake Circus, Plymouth
Devon PL4 8AA tel: 01752 586040


UK : Full-time PhD Studentship in Geomicrobiology, CEPSAR open university

Faculty of Science

Further Details

Click here for Employer Profile

Germany : University of Heidelberg 2 PhD scholarships

The Cluster of Excellence "Asia and Europe in a Global Context: Shifting Asymmetries in Cultural Flows" at the University of Heidelberg is offering
2 PhD scholarships within the Junior Research Group "Asymmetries in Cultural Information Flows: Europe and South Asia in the Global Information Network since the Nineteenth Century".

The PhD students will be expected to develop a PhD project with the Junior Research Group's research focus. The research group primarily examines how the emergence of a global telecommunication network in the late nineteenth century altered information flow patterns between South Asia and Europe and transformed action and event horizons on both sides of the communication process.

The PhD students will work within the framework of these subprojects:

  • "‘Telegram Style': Shifts in Transcultural Knowledge and Colonial Decision-Taking" (British colonial history, South Asian history and/or communication studies)
  • "Shifting Horizons: The Local Impact of Telegraphy in Nineteenth-Century South Asia" (History, South Asian Literature/). Mastery of a local language will be necessary.

General information on the Cluster of Excellence can be found at It is highly recommended to contact the JRG leader, Roland Wenzlhuemer, to obtain further details about the research design of the Junior Research Group and the subprojects.

Applicants will have an excellent academic standing and be interested in completing a doctoral degree at the University of Heidelberg. Applicants are required to hold a Masters degree or equivalent by 1 October 2008. The positions available are open to both EU and overseas students.
The scholarships will start on 1 October 2008 or as soon as possible thereafter. They are awarded for two years with a possible renewal for another year after successful evaluation. The scholarship includes a stipend of EUR 1.000 per month and access to travel funds. Applications from women, ethnic minorities and individuals with disabilities are encouraged. For further information please contact

Please send a CV, copies of university degrees, two letters of recommendation and a short PhD project outline of no more than 1.000 words to the address below. Electronic applications are welcome. Interviews will begin on 18 August 2008 and continue until the positions are filled.

Contact details for enquiries and submission of application:
Dr. Roland Wenzlhuemer
Centre for British Studies
Mohrenstrasse 60
10117 Berlin, Germany
Tel. +49 (0) 30 2093 5330

Australia : Eskitis PhD Scholarship Griffith University Australia

The Discovery Biology Department of Eskitis Institute for Cell and Molecular Therapies is offering a highly motivated individual the opportunity to undertake a PhD to identify and characterise novel drug targets in parasites. Scholarships are being offered for research into the identification of new drug targets for either Malaria or African Sleeping Sickness. The successful candidate will be part of a growing team focussed on Tropical Disease Drug Discovery in the laboratories of Assoc Prof Avery. The candidate will have the opportunity to utilise a diverse range of technologies available within Eskitis.

This scholarship is offered once only to one person. Open for applications from July 7, 2008 until August 4, 2008.

Payment Information
The value of this scholarship is AUD25000 (per annum). This award is to be used for living expenses. This scholarship is paid fortnightly for the period of 3 years.

Research Information
This scholarship is for one of the following fields of research: Biochemistry and cell biology, Biotechnology or Other biological sciences. It is required that your study starts no earlier than July 7, 2008 and no later than December 31, 2008.

This scholarship is for study in Australia for those who have achieved Honours 1 or equivalent.

Application Details
To apply for this scholarship you must apply direct to faculty. Terms and conditions are subject to change. Always confirm details with scholarship provider before applying.

Vicky Avery (Associate Professor)
Eskitis Institute, Griffith University
Web Site:

Mexico : India-Mexican Government Scholarship 2009

The Government of Mexico have offered 6 scholarships for Indian nationals for the year 2009 for studies at a Mexican University or any institution of higher education in Mexico. The scholarships would be available for studies in the following subject fields

  1. Agriculture
  2. Architecture
  3. Biotechnology
  4. Environment Science
  5. Latin American Studies;
  6. Spanish Literature
  7. History.
  8. Economics
  9. Psychology
  10. Geography

Since, the medium of instructions would be Spanish Language, it would be mandatory that all applicants are able to speak Spanish at the time of submitting their applications. Only in exceptional cases, the Government of Mexico might consider to exempt this pre-requisite to the student if he agrees to undergo 6 months course in Spanish language prior to the start of the regular study.

Age: Below 26 years for P.G. (Masters) & below 30 years for Ph.D. as on 31.7.2008

Level Of Study: Post-graduate and Ph.D.

Qualification: Should have Bachelor's Degree or equivalent with minimum 65% marks in relevant subject for Post-graduate studies. The candidate should have Post-graduate Degree with minimum 65% marks in relevant subject for Ph.D.

Scholarships Include
Enrollment and school fees, where applicable.

Monthly allowance, equal to:

  1. 4 D.F. (Federal District-Mexico City) minimum wages for a Specialty, Master's or Master's-level research, as well as for studies in the Spanish language and Mexican culture. This currently amounts to $6,310.80 pesos.
  2. 5 D.F. (Federal District-Mexico City) minimum wages for a doctorate or doctoral research, as well as postdoctoral visits, medical specialties or subspecialties, and expert and artistic visits. This currently amounts to $7,888.50 pesos.

Medical insurance coverage from the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), effective as of the third month of the scholarship, as long as scholarship grantees comply with the delivery of the documentation requested in due time and manner in order to proceed with their admission into the IMSS system.

At the beginning of the scholarship, transportation from Mexico City to the location of the academic institution where the grantee is to study, and transportation from there back to Mexico City upon termination of the scholarship.

The air travel New Delhi-Mexico-New Delhi must be covered by the respective candidate unless otherwise specified.

Any expenses not stipulated in the foregoing shall be payable by the scholarship grantee, including: costs involving study incorporation and revalidation costs; costs for printing of the thesis; graduation and degree-procurement processing fees; costs of registration in the National Register of Foreigners; and visa renewal fees.

Application on plain paper (in prescribed format) along with photocopies of educational certificates (including proof of age) and other documents, with a copy of recent passport size photograph pasted on the application, should reach "The Section Officer, ES.5 Section, Department of Higher Education, A.2/W.4, Curzon Road Barracks, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi-110 001? by 31.7.2008. Applications received after 31.7.2008 will not be entertained. Applications can also be submitted online at the Department website by 31.7.2008.

Further Scholarship Information and Application

USA: PhD Student Positions in DNA Repair Mechanisms, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge

PhD student positions at Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, USA

PhD assistantships are available to study DNA repair mechanisms in eukaryotic cells. All tuition fees and a stipend for living expenses will be paid. Candidates with experience in the fields of microbiology, molecular biology, biochemistry or related areas are encouraged to apply. Minimum criteria for admission include >3.0 GPA, and a combined verbal and quantitative GRE score of >1100. For international students, a minimum TOEFL score (computer version) of >250 (or >100 internet version or >600 paper version) is required. Please send CV and address enquiries to:

Dr. Shisheng Li
Assistant professor
Department of Comparative Biomedical Sciences
School of Veterinary Medicine
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803.

Phone: 225 578 9102
Fax: 225 578 9895

Email: shli[ at ]

Italy: Master Scholarships in Design, Master Politecnico di Milano

Research of eligible students’ for masters Scholarships
Master Politecnico di Milano – Consorzio del Politecnico di Milano addresses your institution, which is a relevant reference point in the cultural and commercial exchange with Italy. requests your cooperation in propagating news about qualified opportunities of post-university training:

MDS - Master in Strategic Design
. Design of the Value Offering (in cooperation with MIP Politecnico). – 1st level – 10th edition, held in English. Duration 13 months. Design, management, technology and empowerment, for those oriented to work on the borderline between design and management.

MBC - Master in Brand Communication, the Project, the Construction and the Brand Management (in cooperation with AssoComunicazione) – 1st level – 8th edition. Duration 12 months. To manage the strategic thought of the brand as a Strategic Planner, Product Manager, Account and Media manager.

MA&C - Master in Art Direction e Copywriting
. The creative couple of the future – 1st level – 2nd edition. Duration 12 months. From advertising to global communication, with 11 art directors of important agencies, for the communication of the brand of the future.

MDSPI - Master in Design for the Development of the Industrial Product
– 1st level – 2nd edition. For the Product Design specialists, to run the entire procedure of realization of industrial products, from their conceiving to their production.

The complete information about the masters and the courses is on line in the site

For each of these courses our Academic Partners offer some scholarships to the eligible foreign, designers students and architects interested in specializing in Italy.
In order to be considered for a scholarship it is necessary to send a curriculum vitae by 10th september 2008 and have a fairly good knowledge of the Italian language.

For further information you may contact us at the phone number +39 02 23995864 or e-mail address: formazione[ at ]

Deadline: 10th september 2008

Wednesday, 23 July 2008

UK : University of Salford PhD Studentship

Explore game based technology to support construction design and engineering

School of the Built Environment

The Salford Centre for (Construction) Research and Innovation Research (SCRI), which is 6* at the School of the Built Environment at University of Salford and Salford Think Lab are sponsoring a doctoral studentship in order to explore game based technology to support construction design and engineering.

The doctorate will explore game based technologies, such as virtual world, game artificial intelligence, to support construction design and engineering in a collaborative environment.

Research topics include:
• Application of artificial intelligence in construction simulation
• Human behavioural modelling in construction and building design
• Construction design and engineering in virtual world
• Digital prototyping and construction simulation

Project Supervisors:
The successful candidate will be supervised by Dr. Song Wu and Prof. Terrence Fernando. The candidate will work with SCRI team and research team in Think Lab and will be able to use the state of art equipment, such as high end workstation and virtual reality facility Think Lab.

Informal enquiries may be addressed to Dr. Song Wu, Email:

Details of Studentship:
Applications are invited for a fully funded studentship in the area of visualization and simulation in construction. Applicants should have, or expect to obtain, an upper second class or higher degree in computer science, information technology together with a strong interest in 3D modelling and game technology research.

This studentship provides a tax-free full maintenance grant of £12,800 per annum, plus payment of UK home student tuition fees. Overseas student are also welcome to apply, but the international student fee will not be covered in the studentship.

Salford Think Lab
The Salford ‘Think Lab' provides state of the art facilities in a futuristic environment enabling researchers to engage in research that harnesses the leading developments related to Information and Communication Technologies providing new solutions to current and future challenges faced by industry, commerce and the community. It is designed for Interaction and Collaboration equipped with the best virtual environment facilities of any university in Europe.

The Salford Centre for Research & Innovation (SCRI) was established in January 2002. SCRI brings together a diverse group of leading international academics from the Schools of the Built Environment, Computing Science & Engineering, and Art & Design. The Centre is funded by the Engineering and Physical Research Council (EPSRC), in recognition of the leading role the University of Salford has played in construction and built and human environment research excellence. SCRI is positioned within the only, and most highly rated 6* Built and Human Environment (BuHu) research institute in Britain.

BuHu is an internationally recognised centre for research in the Built and Human Environment. It has been the top rated research institute in the UK since 1992 and focuses its research on three themes; ICT, Management and the Environment. It comprises 90 research active academic staff, of whom 20 are internationally leading Professors, more than 35 research assistants and over 170 research students. BuHu collaborates with over 500 companies and clients around the world and make significant contributions to innovations and improvements in industry and the Environment.

The Institute is very active and in recent times it has attracted research funds and support totalling more than £30M. It has produced more than 300 journal articles, 600 conference papers, 50 major project reports and supported 200 research events, including its annual International Research Week (IRE), which incorporates a two day international conference, an industry day and a two day international postgraduate research conference. BuHu has also initiated 8 EPSRC and EU funded networks

Buhu currently has more than 170 PhD students and all postgraduate research students have access to advanced technical facilities including advanced virtual reality equipment and the new Thinking Laboratory. Research students are encouraged to network with their peers and the international community.

Application Deadline:
Applications, with a detailed CV and the names and addresses of two referees, should be sent to Dr. Song Wu, 424 Maxwell Building, University of Salford, Salford, M5 4WT.

Scotland : Napier University PhD Studentship

Industrial CASE PhD Studentship: Development of biofuel production from algae by solventogenic clostridia

Biofuel Research Centre, Napier University Edinburgh and Green Biologics Ltd

Applications are invited for one fully funded three-year PhD studentship within the Biofuel Research Centre at Napier University. This Industrial CASE studentship will cover tuition fees to home/EU level, and will provide an enhanced standard living allowance, over the basic stipend (which is currently £12,600 per annum). Overseas students are eligible to apply, but will be liable to pay the difference between home/EU and overseas fees. Note that fees are subject to change annually throughout programme of study.

The studentship is expected to start as soon as possible.


Butanol is a by-product of metabolism by solventogenic species of the anaerobic Genus Clostridium and it is an important chemical and second generation biofuel. The industrialisation of this biological fermentation process will depend on a number of critical factors, not least of which is the identification and development of a cost-effective fermentation substrate. The objective of this project is to evaluate algae as potential fermentation substrate for biofuel production by solventogenic clostridia. The research programme will establish the features which can be manipulated for process improvement, via substrate processing/treatment, fermentation optimisation and strain development.

The position, which is in association with leading biobutanol developers Green Biologics Ltd, is an EPSRC-funded CASE award from the Bioscience for Business Knowledge Transfer Network. The studentship will be based at Napier, however appointees will spend periods in each institute during the programme.


Applicants must be highly motivated and must normally hold at least a first or second class honours degree, or equivalent, in a relevant discipline. Candidates whose first language is not English must meet the University's English language requirements.

Further details of Napier University can be found at Details of Green Biologics Ltd can be found at

An application form (FP1 form) and more general details on research can be found at

Please send all formal applications, a CV and a completed "Supplementary Personal Information Form" and "Tuition Fee Classification Questionnaire" by 11 August 2008 to:

Caroline Graham, The Graduate School, Merchiston Campus, Napier University, 10 Colinton Road, Edinburgh, EH10 5DT


Phone: 0131 455 2305

Informal enquiries can be made to Dr Martin Tangney; Director of the Biofuel Research Centre at Napier University;

Click here for Employer Profile

UK : University of Sheffield PhD projects in computational systems biology

Chemical and Process Engineering

Click here for Employer Profile

Italy: Scholarships for the PhD Program in Business Administration, University of Bologna

The PhD program in Business Administration of the University of Bologna trains brilliant researchers in the fields of management, by offering courses in several areas such as organization theory, business strategy, marketing, technology and innovation management, research methods, statistics, econometrics. In addition to the courses, PhD students have the opportunity to attend seminars held by internationally renowned scholars, present their work at conferences, spend a research period of at least 6 months in international academic institutions. The courses are held in English. The PhD in Business Administration (3-year program) is organized by the Department of Management of the University of Bologna (, in cooperation with the University LUISS Guido Carli of Rome and the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.

In order to apply, a Master degree (laurea specialistica/magistrale) is required. The 2009 edition of the PhD in Business Administration (24th cycle) will start in January 2009. 10 students will be admitted to the program and 5 scholarships will be offered. The number of scholarship-assisted places may increase thanks to the financial support of public or private institutions. The net amount of the scholarship is around 1000 Euro per month, for a 3-year period. The amount of the scholarship can be increased during the research period spent abroad (+50%) and through assistantships in teaching or contract research activities. Applications from foreign students are encouraged.

For further details on the PhD program in Business Administration, the admission requirements and the selection procedures, please visit the website.

or contact the PhD Coordinator, Professor Federico Munari (federico.munari[ at ]

The call for application will be published at the beginning of August 2008 on this website.
The deadline to submit all the application documents (approx. 10th September 2008) will be specified in the call.

Tuesday, 22 July 2008

The Netherlands : PhD student in Ecology

University of Amsterdam Faculty of Science

Further Details

The Netherlands : PhD position in Design of Genetical Genomics Experiments

University of Groningen

Further Details

The Netherlands : PhD Systematic design of automated sustainable horticultural production systems

Wageningen UR Greenhouse Horticulture

Further Details

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